From the President: July 2024
“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset. Every sunrise begins with new eyes.” That’s how I see the annual change of leadership in the Rotary world. Every year, the new leadership

Radio Rodeo | Musculoskeletal Challenges
This video is an interview taken of some Rotarians from Deonar Mumbai by Suresh Menon & Piyush Bhatia. In this Video podcast they discuss about Musculoskeletal Challenges amongst some other
From the President: December 2023
I acknowledge and accept the presidency of our most vibrant club with deep gratitude. Today as we begin a new chapter, i look forward to an incredible year, I have
PR Newsletter Jan 2023
Hello Rotarians & Families, Guests & Visitors… The opening month of Rotary just passed by like a flash! We had a fun-filled and action-packed month – as expected in the Rodeos culture. The
PR Newsletter Nov & Dec 2022
Hello Rotarians & Families, Guests & Visitors… The opening month of Rotary just passed by like a flash! We had a fun-filled and action-packed month – as expected in the Rodeos culture. The
From the President: December 2022
[vc_row css=".vc_custom_1672372326054{margin-bottom: 1px !important;border-bottom-width: 1px !important;padding-bottom: 1px !important;}"][vc_column width="7/12"][vc_column_text]Although we strive towards good health care for all, thousands of people cannot afford it and do not even have access to
Give until it hurts: RRFC TN Subramanian (Raju)
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] It was Mother Theresa who said “Give until it hurts”. It is our responsibility as Rotarians to support our Rotary Foundation. A Foundation trusted by Bill Gates and by many Governments