From the PR desk: 01 May 2022

Hello Members, Our Extended Families, Well-Wishers & Friends of Rotary…
10 months of our Rotary Year are already behind us. There is so much that has already happened and still so much that is yet to take shape.
We had festivals beginning with Gudi Padwa, Cheti Chand, Ugadi to Navratri and many others that got celebrated in a grandeur manner after a break of 2 full years. The month of April in the World of Rotary has its significance as Maternal and Child Health Month. Our activities in each of the months focus upon the Rotary theme of the month apart from the several other activities planned for that month.
Our club did some incredible work to support this cause and progressed on the initiative of ‘Empowering Girls’. It is a project that is close to the heart of our RI President – Shekhar Mehta. This time, RCC saw this in action with Project RED and its waves across the RCC’s.
It has also indeed been a great month of visibility in Rotary News and you will see that as you move along with the update.

If you are a visitor outside the World of Rotary – we invite you to engage with us and extend your support in any manner that you can or simply draw some inspiration for yourself to uplift the community.
Feedback from members:
Great compilation Vivek. Lots of manhours given by you & PR team for this activity every month. kudos!
Rtn Sudhir Mehta
Vivek & PR Team. Nothing short of brilliance… No words are sufficient to praise this fantastic effort by u Vivek. Continue your awesome work.
Time-consuming, comprehensive, covering every aspect of our club activities. Hats off to you guys – Tushar, Vivek
Rtn Hema Subramanian
Vivek – Tushar and PR team ….. मैने तो बोलना ही छोड़ दिया है …. सूरज, चांद और सितारों की तारीफ क्या करना …. बस उनसे आनंद और इंस्पिरेशन लेते रहियो. Every edition is better than earlier.
Rtn Rajendra Datye
Past President
Just read April happenings in our Club, with Vivek telling us in his characteristic style the many many happenings. It has indeed been a busy month – any club should be proud of it. Congrats to the team that has been so very consistent.
Rtn Usha Desai
Past President
I loved every bit of it. It showcases the work done by RCD so brilliantly. Beautifully done indeed!!!
Rtn Capt Sekhar GC
Excellent coverage. Congrats Sudhir, Tushar, Vivek and the PR team and of course all the project and fellowship owners and participants who provided the matter. Happy to see some family photo coverage too. Well done. Keep shining, keep serving Rodeos
Rtn AV Suresh
Past President
Let us walk together to ponder what all we managed to achieve in Apr ‘22
This was the last event of the month however it is absolutely essential to recognise all that we have been able to achieve in the Smart Year!
PP Padma Kapoor and team shine at Aabhaar – Smart Year Awards & Shukriya
WOW! What a stunning performance the Smart Year did. It appeared as if the night is meant for RC Deonar. Here’s a list of awards for your reference:
- Platinum Club Award
- District Service Award For promoting Rotary Foundation
3 Trophies
- Outstanding Work in All Avenues of Service
- Outstanding RCC Activity
- Sports Trophy
2 Gold Certificate
- Outstanding Work in All Avenues of Service
- Highest registrations at Discon
3 Silver Certificate
- Contribution to Welfare of Women
- Contribution to TRF Endowment Fund
- Highest number of RotAnns at Discon
Appreciation Plaques & Certificates
- PDG Raju Subramanian — District Advisor
- Sunil Thakkar — District Secretary
- Laxmiraj Shah — Avenue Councillor
- Rajendra Datye — Assistant Trainer
- Jhankar Gadkari — Training Facilitator
- Shobha Iyer — Assistant Governor
- Dr Keswani — Avenue Advisor
- Jhankar Gadkari — Avenues Group Head
- Goutam Bhattacharya — Avenue Chair
- AV Suresh — Avenue Chair
- Tushar Gangoly — Avenue Chair
- Rajith Menon — Co-Chair TRF
What our members said about this recognition:
Rani Padmavati of Princely State Deonar.
Made history yesterday when she visited the State of Andheri …. Raja Harjitsingh Talwar honoured her with a citation of Ma’am. A rare feat in today’s world. Her huge fight with the virus, her reach to the underprivileged, and her ‘ Pathanic’ style to collect money for the foundation was applauded.
Congratulations Mataraniji
Rtn Jhankar Gadkari
Past President
Superb Smart year, Bag full of awards, Well deserved accolades.
Padma, you have done stupendous work during your year that needs a special mention as at that time everyone was struggling to even understand what the Pandemic will do.
Leading from the front- That’s what Padma is about.
Rtn Sangeeta Shahani
President Nominee
Career Guidance on 08th April
Our club initiated a new series of career guidance for SSC students at Nutan Vidya Mandir. Rtn Alka exhibited the same level of passion to drive the Avenue of Vocational Services in the club.
The program was very ably supported by our veteran Rtn Vishnu Kamat who had attended all the sessions and encouraged the students in his own inimitable style.
The speakers involved our President Rtn Sudhir Mehta, Prof. Rtn Rajendra Lamba, Mr Vikrant Joshi, Principal of VES Polytechnic, Mr Mangesh Sawant, Mr Arvind Srinivasan – Former Vice Principal of Acharya & Marathe Junior College and Mr Jagganath Pingle from Tulsi Technical Institute.
Shelu “Naresh” @ RCC – Pre-cursor to the Main Visit
Rtn Kannan V visited our RCC at Shelu and Humgaon to inaugurate 2 water filters installed in the school following which he ensured the complete readiness of our prime event of the month.
RCC aka Rotary Community Corps – Mega Project with launch of Drinking Water Plant, Bicycles distribution, Hygiene kits and much more
WOW! What a day it was to witness. Indeed it was a mega celebration to mark the silver jubilee year of the RCCs in the Karjat area.
On certain occasions, people say that you don’t know what you missed. I would call this to be a day quite similar to that.
The excitement and passion with which our dear Shelu Naresh i.e., Rtn Kannan V operates when it comes to RCC is simply beyond words. He meticulously designed the plaques for the RCCs.
In his own words…the icing on the cake was the presence of our Pitamah – Rtn Kulbhushan Jetly.
The exuberance and joy were visible in the eyes of one and all who were there to witness this from both sides i.e., us as members and the beneficiaries from different villages.
Projects worth nearly Rs 1 Million were executed on this day!
The day began with the inauguration of a water filter at ZP School Gaulwadi.
President Sudhir Mehta and his team from Yaha Water had worked very hard over the previous few months involving numerous visits to the site. All this with an intent to ensure that this mega community UV Water filtration plant provides water in the nooks and corners of the Humgaon village comprising of over 1200 people. The entire design, manufacturing and end to end installation were sponsored by Yaha Water Systems.
President Sudhir had also engaged with his friends overseas and showcased the bicycle project and its impact on the Adivasi children who typically have to walk a long distance to reach their school. Together with the members’ support, the club was able to contribute altogether 30 bicycles to the young children of ZP schools in the temple area of Humgaon RCC.
The Shudh Jal initiative led to the inauguration of water purifiers in 5 schools of RCCs. This was possible because of the active support of the Tandarust Bharat Foundation. In total, 29 schools have already got benefitted from this initiative so far.
10 cartons, full of books, were gifted to 3 RCC schools. The faces of the young children with joy were clearly visible in front of us. Thanks to Rtn Dipti Patankar and Rtn Shivani Bansal for making this happen!
Project RED in sync with the Girls Empowerment objective progressed with the distribution of over 100 Sanitary kits to young girls.
There were 100 Sanitiser bottles that were given to different families from across RCC. All 100+ attendees were handed over snack boxes.
A donation was given for replacing of water tank for Pali Potalwadi School.
What happened a few days after the RCC event…is quite noteworthy.
Here’s a message from Shelu Naresh aka Rtn Kannan V:
Rajshri and Padma..Project RED had made a huge impact in RCC areas, especially schools. Somehow the word spread and principal of Vangani ZP school (first RCC was named SHELU VANGANI) had come all the way to Humgaon and gave a request letter for RED kits besides other needs.
Kudos TEAM RED and Sudhir and alo deeply appreciate the backroom support of PP Rtn Prabodh Sharma and Rtn Jaisal Jetsey.
Continued Magnanimity of Pitamah – Rtn Kulbhushan Jetly
People inspire people and this has been true since time immemorial.
Our charter member Rtn Kulbhushan Jetly has always inspired Rotarians to keep doing the great work through his time, energy, ideas and money. His journey to support our initiatives has only been going strong after becoming an AKS!
He always leads from the front and this time as well he issued a cheque of Rs.30,000 against his commitment of 3 cycles and the balance to be used for the locks of 30 cycles. Not just this, he pushed it further by contributing another Rs.50,000 to be used for any worthy project.
Pitamah aise hi nahi bolte unhe! Proud to be associated
Padma Kapoor, Past President
Guruji karke, usko pukartay hum! Master in art of giving.
Kannan V, Past President
Sometimes, thank you isn’t enough!
Rodeos on their Wellness trek
We have seen how our member Rtn Sanjay Mehta has been bringing some of the choicest places in front of us and that too from the city of Mumbai and adjoining areas. He has been kind enough to organize a trek that went to Yeoor Hills.
Members thoroughly enjoyed the trip and the camaraderie surrounding that.
Here are some thoughts that were shared:
Our group of around 15 people, set out for the Yeoor hills trek in the early hours of April 3rd, before the Sun was too harsh. After a pleasant drive that didn’t take too long thanks to the light Sunday morning traffic, we reached the starting point which was just ahead of the famous Tikuji ni wadi in Thane. A bright, sunny morning welcomed us as we started our ascent on the trail, and it took us just short of an hour to reach the top of the hill. The Mumbai skyline offered a pleasant view as we walked and there was tons of laughter and joking around that motivated us all to keep going. Each one of us made it to the top at our own pace (some faster than the others) but we all spent a good hour exploring the hills and enjoying the view. Afterwards, we had a lovely South Indian breakfast at a nearby joint, taking up the entire first floor of the restaurant, and maybe overwhelming the staff 🙂
The food tasted even better after all the calories we had burnt that morning, and we ended the trip with a classic filter coffee. All in all, the Rotarians and their families had a wonderful time, hoping for more such outings in the future.
Annette Aashna Sharma (Daughter of PP Rtn Prabodh Sharma)
Rotary Club of Deonar prides to have PDG Raju as Vice Chairman of the Council on Legislation (COL)
COL is an event that happens every 3 years in the World of Rotary. For the uninitiated, this may sound like jargon and thus, let me demystify the same for you…
The Council on Legislation is Rotary’s governing body that amends its constitutional documents. Every three years the Council on Legislation meets to debate and vote on proposed enactments. Each district sends one representative to the Council on Legislation, and any club and district may propose enactments.
While this may appear like another event in Rotary however the significance of this is huge. Here’s a video that will give you exposure to what really happened during the event and also some experiences from the stalwarts of the world.
Take time out to listen to Past RI Director Manoj Desai from RID 3060, PDG Sharat Jain from RID 3012 and PDG Mary Berge from RID 7305. They have all been stalwarts and they represented their own districts as participants in this COL.
The above is in addition to our very own PDG Raju Subramanian who led it from the front jointly with Co-Vice Chair Rtn Duane Benton due to a last-minute crisis of the COL Chair – Past Director and Past Trustee Rtn Ken Schuppert being detected with Covid virus.
It is indeed another first in the history of the Rotary Club of Deonar when a member has represented such a coveted position.
Our Senior Member – Rtn P.N.Subramanian popularly known as ‘Mani’ said – Very proud of this moment, salute to Raju!
Here’s feedback from PDG Prafull Sharma, on behalf of PRID Dr Bharat Pandya and the family of RC of Borivali:
Dear RRFC PDG Raju,
PPs (panel of past, present and future Presidents) of RC of Borivali have a trend to meet informally every 3-4 months over fellowship. At our club’s one such informal meeting of PPs held yesterday over brunch- PRID Dr Bharat Pandya shared with the PPs and their partners (over 45 in nos) the remarkable expertise and grace with which you conducted the COL meeting in Chicago earlier this month. He shared with all how you had to fill in for the Chairman in the eleventh hour and how extremely well you rose to the expectation and eleventh hour need in those tense times.
All our PPs and their Partners applauded your feat and were appreciative and proud of your adept and articulate handing of the crucial situation.
Bharat has specifically requested that I pass on this appreciation and applause from RC of Borivali to you. Thank you for flying the District 3141 and Indian flag high at an International meet attended by around 350 dignitaries in person and over 200 virtually from around the globe.
Dream Rotal 2021-22
Rotal is an event that gets organized every year in the District with a lot of fanfare. It came back with a bang after getting conducted virtually in the last 2 years.
We have been winning recognitions year after year in this area and this year hasn’t been any different.
Here are the noteworthy results of the same right from the Semi-finals to WIN
- Dipti Patankar – Hindi and Marathi solo events.
- Manju – Marathi solo event.
- Mansi Phadke – Hindi and Marathi solo events.
- Dipti Patankar and Manju – Hindi duet event.
- Dipti – Marathi and Hindi Solo
- Manju – Marathi Solo!!
- Dipti Patankar & Manju – Hindi duet event.
Results of Dream Rotal:
- Dipti wins the first prize in Marathi Solo
- Dipti and Manju win 2nd prize in Hindi Duet
- Manju wins 3rd prize in the Marathi Solo
Btw, Page 3 disclosed that Rtn Shanmukha Vaidyanathan was one of the strong motivations for both Rtn Dipti and Rtn Manju. Also, the pairing of both of these singers is not new but a very old one. So, we now know…who’s going to lead this in the forthcoming years 😉

Pink Auto continues to spark
Project Pink Auto continues to gain traction and interest amongst Rotary and the community as well.
What started from the club became a district project and the progress for the Central zone is as follows:
Driving training with licences and badges completed for 10 trainees
A lot has been accomplished behind the scene right from identifying people, motivating them, training them, inculcating the required soft skills, their grooming and personality development, and helping them with banking and loan eligibility in addition to enhancing their moral support.
In one of the training programs – you also have PP Rtn Jhankar Gadkari training the would-be lady auto drivers.
The Pink Auto team from the club comprises many support systems. Some of them are:
Project Lead Rtn Alka alongwith Rtn Padma Kapoor, Rtn Sangeeta Shahani, Rtn Jhankar Gadkari, Rtn Rema Nair, Rtn Rajendra Datye and it goes without saying that the Club President Sudhir Mehta and Club Secretary Hema Subramanian continues to extend their heart-warming support on every project.
Club meeting at BPGC | Speaker Session
Ms Saloni Shah was once again invited to conduct a Stress Management & Immunity boosting session for the club members.
Members loved and appreciated the program. Rtn Jiten Bharadwaj has been meticulously inviting such people who add so much value to our lives.
1st Global Grant – Ongoing progress
Rtn Jaisal Jetsey updated the progress of the 4th patient under our 1st Global Grant project – Our fourth patient 5-year-old Madiha Sheikh whose ❤ was touched under Project Touching Little Hearts. She had a large Ventricular Septal Defect at birth. Today she enjoys a normal life in her home after being discharged from Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital
2nd Global Grant – Application Process Initiated
Rtn Rajashri – Medical Director initiated New Global Grant draft application GG2237777 for TLH – Pediatric. There have been a lot of efforts by President Sudhir Mehta, PP Rtn Padma Kapoor and other team members.
Project Operations Restore achieves 75
NBC led by Rtn Dr Sunil Keswani has completed 75 corrective surgeries to date – on the ongoing Grant.
Rtn AV Suresh says
I would like to convey my congrats and applause for the excellent meticulous work being done by you and your team at NBC. This is a great service to the community. You have been doing it for so many years consistently and touching the lives of hundreds of people. God Bless.
Participation in District Walk-A-Thon for Organ Donation Awareness
The Skin, Eye and Organ Donation Awareness team from the District team organised this Walk-A-Thon on Carter Road in the Bandra West area
Dr Sunil Keswani and his team came from NBC in large numbers to drive this initiative. PP Rtn Prabodh Sharma actively promoted this initiative, being a part of the District team. Our club, as co-hosts, participated in large numbers along with Rotarians from other clubs and the Rotaractors.
The day became even more memorable since all the Rodeos gathered at the residence of President Nominee Rtn Sangeeta Shahani for a sumptuous breakfast
DTA Alpha Year
Members in large numbers attended the DTA and brought enriched learnings back to the club. PP Rtn Rajith Menon was one of the Star Speakers of the event.
RISAO Newsletter – Apr ‘22
The recent newsletter showcased our club to be amongst the lead contributor in the CSR corner – Refer to Page 6 of the PDF link.
Here’s just a quick snapshot of how our CSR contribution faired within our District as well:
Project of Yesteryears in Action NOW
One may think what is the project of the past that is in action now. Well, it is the data consolidation project on which Rtn Herzel Isaac is actively working with the support of President Sudhir Mehta, Rtn Padma Kapoor, Rtn Vishnu Kamat, Rtn Sangeeta Shahani, Rtn Kannan V and many others.
This is a much-spoken initiative that has been in discussion for a few years now. Glad that it is progressing.
This comment from Herzel will bring a smile to you…
Two hours with Vishnuji on data. Hands are paining

Board Meeting @ Khandelwals
This month …it was a privilege for my family to host the Board Meeting for our club. Here are a few moments that will bring some smile
Rotary News
Our club projects have become a regular in Rotary News and we also actively represent ourselves through varied means on this esteemed platform.
Here are a few snippets:
The Apr ’22 edition has given us coverage on 4 projects. Here are the details:
- Flagship coverage is for Project RED
- Support to Shatabdi hospital
- Water filter donation to Bal Kalyan Nagari Children’s Home. An initiative supported by our Club Sec – Rtn Hema
- Cancer detection camp for the BEST bus drivers and conductors in association with CPAA.
Check out the details for more…

Blue Ribbon Engagement continues…
Blue Ribbon is an initiative from which we draw inspiration. Taking a cue from this, a series of posts will be initiated and the 1st one is here for your reference:
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Generally speaking, people are always running for time however recently, o met someone who managed so many facets despite being a super busy #Doctor himself
— Vivek Khandelwal (@vk_india) April 20, 2022
Check out this short story... #DrManishSharma#Vivek #Khandelwal #Time #ManageTime
Rotaract News
Congratulations to our Youth Director – Herzel and the entire Rotaract team!
Rotaractors’ work on our Project Prayaas got selected for the Quarterly magazine released in Apr ’22.
This became a point for a much bigger coverage of a variety of Rotaract Club of Deonar activities that got showcased in a big way.
Click here to see the detailed news that got published in the issue:
Also, click here to see the Rotaract activities by visiting our Rotaract page.
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Reception of Gaurav & Mitalee
Rtn Nayana Das and family celebrated the reception of the newly wedded couple Gaurav and Mitalee. Rodeos were seen enjoying the grand celebrations.
President Sudhir Mehta in Goa
President Sudhir Mehta and his family enjoyed a gala break in Goa. He shared an early morning pic that brought a lot of joy to the members.
The magic of painting continues
Rtn Jhankar shared another masterpiece – ‘The Kafani‘
Detailing the repository of knowledge, symbolic representation.
Mission Rajbhavan
One fine evening…our WhatsApp channel suddenly started to buzz and this was like a secret mission that got unveiled. Our knowledgeable Rtn Jhankar Gadkari shared pics of the Raj Bhavan that was never identified until a few years back.
Here’s a message that speaks a lot about the significance of the image:
Incidentally, I was in Raj Bhavan …whiles construction of new a new banquet hall L&T chanced upon a huge underground bunker and a parallel establishment below the Raj Bhavan …. It is amazing, to say the least…. Great discovery in 2016.
The bunkers are more than 100 years old .. nobody knew it. The L&T engineers have traced the end till Mahalaxmi … by some sound equipment.
What you see here is as original as it could be ….There was no electricity… which is provided now … and with some exhibits
The bunker as it is called has remained hidden despite the fact that multiple governors of Maharashtra were actually staying on top of it…. It came to light due to the new construction in 2016 … the interior of the bunker it is said was spotlessly clean with no odour.
Today the Government has lit it up and air-conditioned it …. Presently what I visited was more than a km long Maze.
The noteworthy part is – Rodeos may plan a trip to this place if permission comes through in the months ahead!
Awesome recognition for Dr Sunil Keswani
It is an honour for our Rtn Dr. Sunil Keswani to be chosen for representing Asia as a Speaker on ‘Skin Banking’ by the Commonwealth Tribute to Life Foundation NHS UK as part of their webinar series.
Great opportunity for our Hon. Member – Ms Sunita Bhuyan
Our Honorary Member – Ms. Sunita Bhuyan who’s a Musician – Violinist had the great privilege to perform in the midst of our Prime Minister – Hon. Shri Narendra Modi.
She shared the update with PP Rtn Jhankar Gadkari and it created a lot of happiness amongst all the Rodeos.
Principal Prathibha Patil Dhole
Principal Pratibha Dhole of Aziz Baug CBSE School was awarded the ‘Outstanding Principal Award’. It is a great moment of pride for us since she was also recognized as the Blue Ribbon Awardee of 2021. We had invited her to the recently concluded 2022 Blue Ribbon award ceremony as well to recognize her achievements in person.
Fun Time – City Exploration Walking
Sanjay Mehta continues with his weekend walks and he shared the following:
Drove down to Kala Godha and walked down DN Road, Flora Fountain, MG Road, Metro, Kalbadevi, Chirabazaar, Girgaum, up to Kotachiwadi, and then back.
Early Sunday morning provided for some beautiful visuals through the route, going past popular haunts, which I had never observed the way I did, over this walking journey!
Birthday of Paul Harris
He’s the man whose name has been etched in the memory of every Rotarian. Here’s a pic that was shared by Rtn Jaisal Jetsey.
Thoughts of Members
As the year is coming to a close in another 2 months’ time, it is time to also highlight some messages that showcase the deep feelings of the members that created waves on Whatsapp:
Rtn Alka Murli recently said
The year has been really happening with so many new & interesting avenues opening up. You are a true & great leader, Sudhir. Inspiring and leading from the front. Proud to be in your team.
Rtn Vishnu Kamat recently said
Great work Padma, the dynamite ! Appreciate your efforts on so many multiple fronts ! Keep it up for years to come !
What thoughts come to your mind after you have spent some time here?
Are there any projects that you are interested to know more about?
We would be more than happy to have your thoughts and suggestions penned in the comment section below.
It goes without saying that every upcoming month always brings excitement just like the way the season changes and we desire to experience something different.
We have an exciting May ’22 month ahead of us and some remarkable projects and community-led initiatives are on its way.
Let us continue to do our bit and ‘Serve to Change Lives’.
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With Rotary Cheers!
Excellent comprehensive coverage of all projects and activities, Vivek. Yet another master piece Vivek. Appreciate and applaud your efforts, passion, creativity and commitment. Keep up the great work, Vivek. You make us proud. All the very best
Thank You, AVS. Your continued encouragement is a motivation for us as a team to deliver this month after month!
It is not only pleasant reading giving activities of the Deonar club during this review period – but also a lot of learning too !
The depth and crispy manner every topics is shared and illustrated is simply superb !
Cheers to you , Tushar , Sudhir and entire PR team .
Thank you so much…Glad you are liking it!