From the President: July 2024

From the President: July 2024

“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.

Every sunrise begins with new eyes.”

That’s how I see the annual change of leadership in the Rotary world. Every year, the new leadership gets an opportunity to introspect and reset the ERRC (Eliminate, raise, reduce, create) grid, an essential tool of blue ocean strategy developed by Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. Eliminate the practices which do not align to the Rotary principles, raise the bar to strengthen Rotary values, reduce the noise that block the Rotary spirit and create innovative ways to make the world a better place. Every year begins with a fresh outlook & novel ways of doing different things or plausibly doing the same things differently to serve our communities and world at large.

Beginning July 1, 2024, its great honor to take on the responsibility of the President of Rotary Club of Deonar, empowered with a legacy of 37 years and an established identity of carrying out selfless work. While compassion, commitment and consistency form the three strong pillars to build on the magic of Rotary, I firmly believe that the time has come for our club to focus on yet another ‘C’ and that’s convergence. Converging our experience across the various Rotary avenues to create an impact which is scalable and sustainable. Surrounded by 281 slum areas, our ward, tagged as the poorest ward in the city, stands testimony to the enormity of the work that needs to be done. The concept of ‘Smart Communities’ by working in depth in one community (locality) across the various thrust areas of Rotary is an endeavor to build a model that can be replicated across other localities. Similarly converging the focus towards one project and expanding in width covering multiple geographical areas and target audience is yet another theme that we would like to build on. Polio eradication is an excellent testimony to demonstrate the success of this model, which can be extended to yet another deadly disease like tuberculosis. Considering the magnanimity of the goal, I am fully cognizant that this cannot happen in one year and not through one club alone. Collaboration will be key to achieving the set objectives. As goes the popular maxim, If one has to go fast, go alone, but if one has to go far, go together. Collaborating within the club and with our partners of service will be pivotal for successful implementation.

With ‘Convergence’ and ‘collaboration’ as the mantra for this year, I seek your support to strive towards our goal of making the world a better place.

Dr Rajashri Mokashi

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