Rtn Sudhir Mehta President 2021-22
Hi Rotarians and Guests,
Today’s 1st July 2021. It’s a landmark day for Rotarians since the wheel of Rotary takes a turn on this auspicious day. This day marks the beginning of a new resolve to continue the journey of doing better in every aspect of life.
Why do I say that? Primarily, if we are doing well, then we can do so much for everyone around us and that, in a nutshell, is ‘Service Above Self”. The motivation with which we a new member join Rotary and the quantum of work that the person ends up doing is phenomenal. I have seen numerous examples. The magnet to connect with people and to serve is so deeply rooted amongst people that it simply flows in without any hassle.
I have the onus to continue the wheel of one of the finest Rotary Clubs in the World and I feel truly proud to be called as a ‘Rodeo’ meaning Rotary Club of Deonar. This club has had a long history of serving the community and the larger humanity in varied ways. Prior to the pandemic, the definition of service was different however the shadow of darkness did not deter us to serve even more passionately.
We have shown some incredible quality of commitment to our fellow human beings beyond their caste and creed. We all know that the last 6 quarters have been troublesome and has lacked hope and optimism however this hasn’t stopped us to support others in innumerable ways.
The year ahead is going to continue a similar story with new rigour, new passion, and new contributor’s along with great support coming in from the experienced members. Every challenge we are going to face will be seen from an angle of opportunity and not a crisis. In this DREAM year, our special focus shall be on Children for us to give them solace & inclusiveness.
We are going to have some amazing projects which are either a continuation of the fantastic work started by our previous leaders or the new ones for which we are going to sow the seeds of an exciting journey ahead of us.
Am sharing a few of the top focused projects here:
- Paediatric Heart Surgeries
- Operation Restore
- Girls Hygiene
- Able to Ability
- Pink Angels
- Pedal for Girls
- E-learning
- Musculo Skeletal
- Shudh Jal
- Orphanages Adoption
- Footwear for Children
- Working closely on RCC projects
- Close working with our young and dynamic Rotaract and Interact
Hope we all collectively bring in our energy and positivity to change our communities thereby making the World a better place.
This message must be reaching you via different sources. Do take time out to visit our website and share your thoughts on how you can support our larger Mission.