PR Newsletter Jan 2023

PR Newsletter Jan 2023

Hello Rotarians & Families, Guests & Visitors…

Every New Year brings with it new energy since the entire world celebrates it irrespective of caste, creed, religion or any other boundaries.

Our club also had a great headstart and it also marked the successful completion of half the Rotary Year under the stupendous leadership of President Vidhya Subramanian

This month in Rotary is defined as ‘Vocational Service Month’

We stood true to the theme with so many projects that were aligned with this Rotary International theme.

It brought to us immense happiness since for the 1st time in the history of our club – did we have representation at the RI Board of Directors with RIDE Raju Subramanian and Vidhya walking the stage and the world watching them

Let us walk this interesting journey that went by

Rtn Vivek Khandelwal | Director PR 2022-23 | RC Deonar

RIDE Rtn Raju Subramanian and President Vidhya Subramanian at RI

In the previous Newsletter as well you had seen how they both got honoured with the coveted AKS Honour however this time it was very special

It was indeed a moment of pride and honour for the Rotary Club of Deonar to see their own members walk up the stage in an event organised by Rotary International to honour the newly inducted Board.

Rotary Community Corps Charter Installation

Finally, the day came up when the real Installation took place. After having done enough and more in the Rural belt – it is an honour for our club to serve in an Urban RCC.

RC Deonar sponsored its first Urban RCC.

The Charter Presentation & Installation of RCC Maharashtra Nagar took place in Shivaji Maidan Hall.

President Prakash Ganu Yalvatkar and his team were installed in the presence of Chief Guest DGE Arun Bhargava and District RCC Avenue Director – Rtn Manish Gyani as the Guest of Honour.

Blanket Distribution

The idea behind this project was to provide warmth to the people sleeping on the streets in the cold temperatures that the year-end saw in and around Mumbai.

This community-impacting initiative was undertaken by Rtn Shivani who was actively supported by many members.

This was executed in Chembur and nearby areas with over 150 beneficiaries

The following came up from Rotarians:

It was a very emotional experience for the Rotarians to cover the beneficiaries sleeping on the streets with blankets and provide them with warmth and protect them from the winter chill. The beneficiaries couldn’t have asked for more and were very happy to receive these gifts

The theme for Next RY – 2023/24Create Hope In The World

RI President-elect R. Gordon R. McInally calls for Rotary to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental well-being. He urges members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that’s necessary to realize these values.

Check more about the Rotary Theme here:

Joint Meeting

RC Deonar, RC Mumbai Ghatkopar, RC Chembur (Mumbai) & RC Addiction Prevention District 3141 came together for a Joint Meeting.

Dr Kapil Joshi from Pune spoke about his powers of Claire Audience.

PP Rtn Jhankar Gadkari spoke to Dr Joshi about his experiences having a natural gift. It was very well attended by all 4 Clubs with 58 members enjoying fellowship and dinner.

Speaker Meeting in our regular catch ups

The regular meeting was held to discuss the nuances of the budget for the common man. The Speaker of the day was our own Rtn. Ramachandran Krishnan.

Rodel Finals

We have come this far with 5 months of consistent and untiring efforts.

RC Deonar & RC Bombay Powai – the final contesting teams hosted the event.

DG Sandip and First Lady Malini were present amidst a galaxy of District Officials.

Project Director Rupen Doshi conducted the Debate. RC Deonar was the runner-up. PP Rtn Rajith Menon won the RODEL Best Debater Award

PDG Rtn Raju wrote:

Congratulations for entering the Final

Rajith Ram and Sangeeta

Continue the winning spree

RCD become Lead Host for SAMAAVESH

This was an inclusion event for people with disabilities or as well call them ‘differently abled’

This Inclusion Programme was organised jointly by 23 Rotary Clubs and the Rotaract Club of Deonar along with 9 NGO Partners.

Time and again, we have seen many examples and success stories of people who exhibit no dearth of capability – all that they need is an opportunity and moral support

Our PP Rtn A V Suresh has been actively contributing to this event for many years now and we tried to give this event wide coverage even via social media:

The event showcased multiple talent presentations including sports and fun activities.

  • National Anthem and dance by speech and hearing impaired
  • Fashion shows by persons with disabilities
  • Wheelchair Cricket
  • Wheelchair Basketball
  • Wheelchair Badminton
  • Music Band and dance by Blind
  • Foot massage by Blind
  • Special guests with disabilities who have excelled in sports and education were felicitated.

The following became the core theme for us to drive and invite people to come, attend and more importantly cheer…

Give back

Giving has a magical power

We all talk of giving back and we also do it

Here’s an awareness about an interesting initiative happening for ‘differently abled people’

Do your bit by cheering them

Kitchen Renovation & Safe Water Drinking at Vijay Army Public School & Junior College

We have been visiting this school for a few months now – through the connection established by Cdr Rtn Jana Babu.

Our objectives to support the school has been on the rise and this time we went with the agenda of getting the renovation done for their Dining Hall and Kitchen along with setting up of Water Purification plant at Vijay Army School.

This is how success was envisaged for the school students:

To provide a clean kitchen where food can be cooked hygienically, and children can eat food in the dining area where proper shade has been provided. A water filtration plant to provide clean drinking water to the children.

The prior condition was like this:

The kitchen was in a rundown condition and required an upgradation. The cooking stoves were rusted and were a hazard to the safety of the children. The Dining area did not have a proper shade and the tables and benches were rusted; the flooring needed repairs. The school was using water from borewells for daily consumption leading to health issues for the children. 10 inverter bulbs were donated to tackle the electricity outages.

In line with this, the kitchen at Vijay Army School was totally renovated.

The roof was repaired and new flooring was made.

It was sponsored by the CSR initiative of Savex Technologies. Mr Jagasia, MD inaugurated the new Kitchen. The new kitchen will cater to 200 students at a time.

The total no of beneficiaries includes over 450 people.

A Water Filtration Plant was constructed for the inmates of Vijay Army School.

This initiative was sponsored by Tandarust Bharat Foundation.

It was inaugurated by Trustee Rtn PP AV Suresh. The students and staff of the school will be greatly benefitted from this Project.

Nutrition Drive for the Students

Flavoured Milk bottles were distributed to the students of Vijay Army School. PP Padma Kapoor sponsored the project.

Donation of Medical Equipment

9 Para Monitors were donated to Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Hospital in Sion to the Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit.

The official handing over of the Neonatal monitors was successfully done to the Dept of Neonatology in Sion Hospital. These are lifesaving equipment used to monitor several parameters of premature and sick babies.

They have Asia’s first Milk Bank in place. LTMG Hospital has the largest NICU catering to innumerable babies whose families otherwise cannot afford the high cost of treatment and hospitalisation.

The whole Project was sponsored by Rosary Biotech who contributed the amount from their CSR commitment.

Dharti Ke Lal – RC Deonar’s Republic Day celebrations – Old Nostalgia

Some old memories for you to remember the kind of celebrations that our club has been doing – it’s a matter of time and we will be back

These are images from when Rtn Padma Kapoor was leading our club as President.

Republic Day celebrations at St. Gregarious School, Chembur

Interactors as always have been exhibiting leadership excellence through their learning in the school and through the discipline and opportunities that Interact Club is providing to them

Here are a few moments of how seamless their programs always are.

Walking Tour

The walking tour of Kanheri caves or the visit to the flamingo lake in Airoli is planned for 29th January.

Project Jeevandaan

In the 3rd camp on blood donation collection at Ghatkopar Railway Station – our club successfully collected 81 units of Blood.

Career Guidance Seminars in Schools

Career Guidance Seminar was held in Nutan Vidya Mandir School for Class 10 students.

Prof Rajendra Lamba and Mr Chandrashekhar Inamdar from Tulsi Technical Institute spoke about various options in the Technical Field.

Informative pamphlets were distributed to guide the students in different fields. RC Deonar will also set up online admission guidance to help students in their application to various institutions.

Contributions to TRF

Director TRF – Rtn Padma Kapoor informed the members that she and Rtn. Girotra have contributed $1000 each to Annual Fund.

President Vidhya also announced her contribution of $1000 to the Annual fund.

Chembur Children’s Home: Urban Nature Park

The first phase of the Urban Nature Park at Chembur Childrens Home got successfully inaugurated.

Mr Udayan Sen and his family have sponsored the full Fruit Orchard and will be present to plant the trees – Papaya, Chickoo, Pomegranate, Banana, Peru, Lemon and Pineapple trees were planted.

The children happily helped in the plantations.

The total beneficiaries include in excess of over 250 people.

Project Nirbhaya

In the first session out of a series of 10 sessions, 100 girls from Matoshree Vidya Mandir were trained under a Martial Arts Self Defence programme.

Mr Shihan Krishna B Chatiyal from Oriental Martial Arts Assn India is doing the training.

Rotary News & Media Visibility

Enjoy reading the snippets and stories of some of the media coverage that we received during the month


Club President at the ‘Highest Peak’

President Rtn Vidhya Subramanian has been known to achieve great heights and this is not just as Club President but also in her travels – check her picture-perfect moment at the highest point in UAE.

A special message on Republic Day

This was indeed an eye-catching and special message that RIDE Rtn Raju Subramanian and President Vidhya gave to one and all.

A chance meeting with Juneja’s

Have you ever imagined what it makes you feel when you suddenly bounce in front of another Rotarian whom you may not be expecting?

The same happened to me when I met Rtn Moksh and Ann Aditi Juneja at the TEDx event in Nariman Point with their lovely daughter.

Hope reading this brings a smile to you since all this is being done by people who have no time, they are super busy in their own profession or vocation, however…what makes such people unite is to give back to the community in whatever ways that they can

Now, something like this can be done in varied ways i.e., with time, money, energy, effort and of course ideas.

With Rotary Cheers!

Rtn Vivek Khandelwal
Director – PR 2022-23
Rotary Club of Deonar
Website :

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